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Those eyes....owls in Austin!

Austin, TX

Had two of the most magical encounters with a gorgeous Barred Owl that often frequents Mill Pond (where we walk most every day).

Gallery of Pics

The first time I happened to have taken a walk, with my tripod, in search of something to take pictures of. I had plopped down on the ground, in a grove of trees, and was patiently waiting but it was super quiet. I had just about given up when I looked up and there it was! It had been watching me, silently, the entire time and was stunning with the Fall leaves around it. I was able to photograph it, for probably over an hour, from different angles as it slept, sometimes opened one eye to peer at me and periodically stared at me intently. It was so cool to see his/her head (not sure which) turn around, it's enormous eyes, feathery eyelashes and incredibly strong legs hold onto the tree branch.

What is a Barred Owl? "Barred Owls are large, stocky owls with rounded heads, no ear tufts, and medium length, rounded tails"

The second encounter I had was a couple of weeks later and more of the leaves on the trees had fallen so there was a little more light around him/her.


While I was enjoying capturing images this crazy squirrel decided to peek around and dart right by the owl! Sure seemed like living life on the edge to me!


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