South Padre Island, Texas

A cool thing to do here is drive on the beach so we decided to rent a jeep one day to experience it.

It was really fun to get out further than we had been on our bikes and to capture some images from the window. Interestingly the pelicans seemed less bothered by the jeep than they had been when we biked near them. Probably because they are more use to cars!

I got some great pelican pictures. They love to get near the folks fishing because often they end up being thrown some scraps as they clean what they catch. They also love to try and steal fish from each other!
Gallery of Pelican Pics

One day they had cleared one of the entrances onto the beach so we decided to brave it in our little car. Who says you need a jeep!

Biking on the beach has been so fun although we quickly learned that the salt water wrecks havoc on the chains. Perhaps that's why we didn't see that many bikers. Some days it was misty and others bright blue.
Gallery of Pics
One day I watched this Heron take off from the water which was kinda cool.