We've been enjoying the late Spring blooms, in the Mesa area, while getting outside in the mornings to do some hiking/biking. It's really quite amazing to see the variety of plants that can thrive in the desert! Some areas have been super dry but others are still quite green and filled with blooming plants and bird sounds.

One day we took a great bike ride on Pemberton Trail Loop which is located in the McDowell Mountain Regional Park. It's a really pretty area with lots of different trails to bike or hike. Afterwards we had lunch in Fountain Hills where there are lots of restaurants to choose from. We also enjoyed hiking Hawes Ridge Loop which is in the Tonto National Forest and the Javelina Canyon and Ridgeline Loop in South Mountain Preserve.

One day I had this guy try to come home with me. I was busy taking a picture of how beautiful the cactus looked glowing in the light.

It didn't hurt going in and in fact I was surprised to look down and see it hanging on! Getting it out was more challenging since neither of us could get a hold of it (even with our bike gloves on) so Jordan ended up using two rocks. He warned me it was gonna hurt and he was right! It took some doing to dislodge those needles.

Turns out it was a Jumping Cholla which fit my experience of it!! Afterwards I could see these little "balls" laying on the ground around the specimen I had been taking pictures of. I have no idea how it got up on my leg! It left quite the bruise!

I love these photos! I love the desert any time of the year, but especially spring time. That cholla really worked you. 😬. Quite the calling card!