It's been fun for us to have time to enjoy some hiking, in the Phoenix area, with different members of Jordan's family.

One day Jordan's sister Alayne and her hubby Don took us on one of their favorites - Sunrise Peak which is in Scottsdale. It was a steady climb and had wonderful views all the way to the top. I enjoyed capturing images of some cool wildlife in addition to the unique desert plants. They also hosted us for several days at their home where we spent a lot of time siting outside in their beautiful backyard breathing in the AMAZING fragrance of orange trees.

Another day we headed out to Apache Junction to hike the Butcher Jones trail with Jordan's cousin Joe and his wife Heidi. It skirts around Saguaro Lake and offers beautiful views all along the way as well as water loving birds. We were also able to hang out in their beautiful yard (and gorgeous jacuzzi/tub). It was really great to visit with each other and catch up since it had been years since we'd really had a chance to do that!

So nice to see cousins, beautiful cactus and blooms. I always love your posts Alison!
Thank you❤️.
A fantastic job as always, Alison. It has been so fun to act like tourists in Arizona and to hang out with such wonderful people.