One of the best hikes in Madeira and unusual due to the terrain. This is a thin volcanic peninsula on the easternmost part of the island. The dry, desert feel is very different than the rest of the island. The hike is 4.6 miles roundtrip with 1,351 elevation gain.
We've actually hiked this twice now because we loved it so much! The first time it was just the two of us and then we went back with Kim after she arrived for her visit. The lighting and colors were really different each time (and changed during the hike) due to the changing weather. This is a mix of pictures from both hikes.

An Amazing Start
The trail started climbing pretty quickly and we made our way to the first WOW view where we saw waves crashing against the cliffs and unique rock shapes.
Then we continued gaining elevation as we begin making our way around the super unique formations that happen due to the climate and winds. We were amazed at the colors!

Popular But Not Too Crowded
Sections of the trail were being improved with men carrying buckets full of rocks and hiking in with heavy cement bags to get to where they were working. We watched them mix those together and fit the rocks in place as they were making improvements. It was so labor intensive! This is one of the most popular trails to hike and there were plenty of other people doing it but it didn't feel overly crowded since hikers were spread out along the route. The trick is to do it earlier in the day.

The Incredible Narrow Neck of Land
There was a narrow section that was amazing looking that connected to the last larger section of land.
It's really stunning to see the blue water, crashing waves and veins of colors weaving through the rock formations.
A Café!
At this point you can decide to enjoy a cold drink, choose from a few food items and pay 1 euro to use the toilet (which was a very welcome surprise) at a café set out here at the end of the hike. We thought that was pretty awesome!
The Final Climb
You can also continue on for one last very steep climb to get to a peak where you see out in various directions for some stunning views. The first time we went Jordan did this while I sat and gazed out and then we all did it together the next time.

The Return
Then we turned around and made our way back to the start finishing tired but happy.

And yes....this was our faces for much of the day....

October/November 2022
What a spectacular hike! I would love a to do it with a geologist. It reminds me of parts of the Grand Canyon, I guess because of all the exposed rock and there are obviously some faults and interesting layers. And it is so beautiful!