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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....well actually not really

Austin, TX

We picked up an adorable little Christmas tree, while wearing sandals, next to the fresh flowers for sale at Home Depot and tied it to the bike rack to get it home. One evening we enjoyed the pandemic drive-through Christmas light show.

It's kind of weird to have it be so warm, and the traditional Christmas carols about snow seem to not fit, but it's also pretty amazing to sit outside, take walks (often in short sleeves and sandals) and use our back deck with the potted flowers still blooming.

Since our Christmas decorations are all still in storage in Montana we used acorns, Kim made salt dough stars and gingerbread ornaments and we used what we could find. It turned out super cute. We had fun sewing some fabric ornament hearts as well.

We made traditional Lebkuchen which is one of our favorite things. It's not difficult to make and ever since we tasted it fresh while traveling in Munich it's hard to go back to the dried store-bought versions. This is the recipe my brother shared with us last year and it's super yummy. It's been a wonderful Texas Christmas.


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